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Arion Monobloc Hydrogel-CMC breast implants
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Alpha blockers are used to relax the muscles around the bladder bottom for easier emptying of the bladder. The only contraindication for using alpha blockers is a low blood pressure.
Alpha blockers for the treatment of an enlarged prostate:
Enzyme inhibitors or 5-alpha reductase inhibitors are the proteins for slowing down the metabolic processes and reducing the level of hormones, which cause the enlarging of the prostate. Enzyme inhibitors also reduce the PSA level in the blood.
Specialists prescribe 2 main enzyme inhibitors for BPH treatment:
Combination therapy is a mix of alpha blocker with 5-alpha reductase inhibitor. Medication combo is used only in cases of BPH progression. Specialists prescribe this method of therapy when alpha blocker is not enough to cure prostate enlargement.
Transurethral microwave thermotherapy (TUMT) is a minimally invasive procedure based on destroying of prostate tissue with heat. TUMT does not treat prostate enlargement, but cuts down urinary symptoms caused by BPH.
Transurethral needle ablation is used for treating of benign prostatic hyperplasia symptoms. TUNA procedure is performing with the help of radio waves supplying through needles. Radiofrequency energy effects and destroys the prostate tissue. Burning sensation is the only possible side effect after TUNA.
Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) is the most common type of surgery for benign prostatic hyperplasia according to the National Institute of Health. The procedure is used to treat blockage of the urethra. The most common risk that can occur after TURP is bleeding.
Laser surgery is providing for destroying the prostate tissue with the help of a high-energy laser. For performing laser surgery, a specialist uses cystoscope, which passes a laser fiber through the urethra into the prostate. Laser surgery almost excludes the risk of bleeding. However, this type of surgery is not effective for great enlarged prostates treatment.
Prostatectomy is based on making an incision to reach the prostate. An urologist can remove all or only a part of the prostate. Prostatectomy is used in cases, when the prostate is large, when a patient has some complications or when the bladder is damaged.