Charlene • { "ru": "Пересадка костного мозга", "en": "", "ar": "زرع نخاع العظم", "ua": "Пересадка кісткового мозку", "de": "Knochenmarktransplantation", "es": "Trasplante de médula ósea", "fr": "Une greffe de moelle osseuse" } Spain
May 23, 2022
Verified review.
The doctor (Madero) didn’t even respond to our greetings when we entered his office. He didn’t even read correctly the medical report. He didn’t explained anything. He was doing things in a rush as if we didn’t have an appointment with him. He even left us in his office and went away. We were so frustrated after the consultation. Coming from Cameroon for this, was so disappointed.
About Bookimed service
Yes, Bookimed did a good job. After our misadventure with quironsalud Madrid, the medical coordinator booked us another appointment with Clinica Universidad de Navarra. The appointment went well and we were sarisfied of the hospital services.