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Beard Hair Transplantation

Istanbul Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Center Turkey Istanbul
94% Clients recommended this clinic
Excellent score based on 373 patient reviews Read reviews

Hair transplant specialist

Oya Şişman
Dr. Oya Şişman is a hair transplant specialist. She has performed more than 3500 FUE hair transplant surgeries.
18 years of experience

Hair and beard transplant specialist

Before and After Pictures

photo #1

Program details

Dr. Oya Şişman, hair transplant specialist, with 3500+ FUE surgeries. Istanbul Aesthetics offers beard hair transplant package, state-of-the-art facilities, affordable prices, and excellent customer service.
Read about the program benefits
Medical Procedures

  • Beard transplant
  • Consultation with a doctor
  • Blood tests
  • Medications
  • Follow-up examination
  • 1 session


  • 1 days in the hospital
  • 3 days in the hotel


4* Hotel


Transfer airport-clinic-airport

24/7 Bookimed assistance

Personal medical coordinator

Medical travel arrangements — booking of air tickets and hotel rooms at special partner prices

Patient advocacy during medical travel

Program price


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Patient reviews

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Istanbul Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Center overall rate includes
Language assistance

Anonymous • Liposuction

Aug 18, 2024
Verified review.
Verified review.
I'm still recovering but am very hopeful that the result will be better than I expected
This procedure was on my mind for over 3 years, but I was scared shitless to move forward with it since I've heard a number of unfortunate stories. I had blood clotting issue during pregnancy, so I was extremely worried. Thankfully, Bookimed responded all my questions in a timely manner and with care. Calling me "dear" in every sentence was a bit too much for me, but I knew I was being taken care of. I was mostly surprised that all they needed was my flight info to confirm the appointment, not down payment. That made me feel more at ease to know that it was legitimate. Later, I was contacted by the Istanbul Aesthetic Center's liaison, who was fluent in English and explained everything in detail. Dr. Ergin Er suggested a full tummy tuck instead of a mini one to give the best result once he examined in person, and I'm glad that I did. I can barely see the stretch marks and haven't seen my stomach this flat in years. The disappointing part was when I couldn't get the vaser liposuction on my arms because there's not much fat to extract. I thought my arms are huge but apparently not fatty. Instead of operating for just money, I appreciated the doctor for his transparency. He mentioned it would only give a 30% difference, and it wouldn't be worth of getting scars. At least knowing it from a professional inspired me to focus my workout on my arms instead if second guessing "what-if" if I never took this route. Hence, my procedure changed but the price stayed the same since it deducted arms but upgraded to a full tummy tuck. From the airport pick up to the post-operation, everything was well-planned. I was well-taken care by the nurses and the drivers as well. As the liaison mentioned the nurses aren't fluent English speakers but that didn't stop me from being taken care of. I'm still recovering but am very hopeful that the result will be better than I expected.
On the previous comment
On the previous comment

Anonymous • Tummy Tuck and Liposuction

Nov 22, 2024
Verified review.
Verified review.
Ich bin mit dem Ergebnis schon jetzt absolut zufrieden
Ich habe vor 2 Wochen eine Bauchstraffung mit 360* Fettabsaugung in der Astethic Surgery Clinik in Istanbul bei Dr.Ergin Er machen lassen. Alles wurde über Bookimed für mich organisiert. Ich bekam eine deutsch sprechende Mitarbeiterin von Bookimed mit der ich per WhatsApp App alles im Vorfeld besprechen konnte. Am OP Tag lernte ich die Dolmetscherin die vor Ort für mich zuständig ist, persönlich kennen, zuvor hatten wir schon auf Deutsch geschrieben. Dr.Er war sehr nett und zeigte mir auf was möglich ist und was nicht.Mein 2.Tag in Istanbul war auch gleichzeitig mein OP Tag. Alles verlief so wie zuvor besprochen. Nach der OP wurde ich sehr gut durch ein junges Pflegeteam betreut, es war immer sofort jemand da der sich kümmerte. Ich hatte die ganze Zeit über keine Schmerzen und wurde medikamentös gut versorgt. Ich blieb 2 Tage in der Klinik und ging dann ins Hotel. Innerhalb der 7 Tage gab es 2 weitere Kontrolltermine,so dass ich mit einer grossen Sicherheit in den Flieger nach Deutschland steigen konnte. Auch bekam ich einen OP Bericht und eine Bescheinigung für den Flieger mit, damit ich während des Fluges öfter aufstehen und mich bewegen konnte. Jetzt 2 Wochen später muss ich sagen,dass ich von Tag zu Tag beweglicher und mit dem Ergebnis schon jetzt absolut zufrieden bin. Dabei ist die Schwellung noch nicht ganz abgeheilt Ich kann Bookimed für eine medizinische Reise jedem sehr empfehlen, dort ist man in guten Händen und rundum ist alles gut organisiert
Es ist ein gutes Gefühl so gut umsorgt und betreut zu werden in Momenten nach einer OP in denen man sich schwach und verwundbar fühlt. Besser wie in einem Deutschen Krankenhaus!
Da gibt es nichts das ich zu bemängelt hätte
About Bookimed service
Anfangs war ich unsicher und hatte viele Fragen, aber über Bookimed bekam ich eine persönliche Beratung die mir alle Fragen beantwortete. Das gab mit Sicherheit und half bei der endgültigen Entscheidung eine Bauchstraffungs-OP im Ausland machen zu lassen

Marguerite Thomas • Breast Implant Revision
United Kingdom

Aug 8, 2024
Verified review.
Verified review.
My surgeon, Dr Ergin Er was thorough in the pre-op consultation and speaks perfect English so no barriers there
From the first enquiry into my surgery journey the staff at Bookimed were very attentive & responded to any questions in a speedy manner, this was followed through consistently during my stay so I’d like to say thank you personally to Yasin & Ege. My surgeon, Dr Ergin Er was thorough in the pre op consultation and speaks perfect English so no barriers there,. My surgery went well and was offered pain relief as & when need, be mindful that the nursing staff speak very little English so best to use a translation app. The food offered was ok however I was given my evening meal at 5pm and was hungry later in the evening, I couldn’t use a delivery app without a Turkish cell number so I’d recommend to take snacks & drinks, water is available from a cooler but I craved a Coke Zero lol.
The Bookimed staff & Dr Er attention
Lack of availability of refreshments other than water

Daria Korolova • Breast lift

Jul 11, 2024
Verified review.
Verified review.
doctor Ergin Er - a doctor from God, I advise everyone, a professional of his work!!!!

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While I am still on the rehabilitation period at home, tomorrow is a week after the operation and check-up with the doctor. I had liposuction of the abdomen and sides + Brazilian buttocks lift + breast lift, all in one day. The first 3-4 days of rehabilitation are the hardest, but then much easier, the staff / help / service at the highest level, doctor Ergin Er - a doctor from God, I advise everyone, a professional of his work!!!!. I will post photos after at least a month, but the forms are visually visible and pleasing to the eye!!!! Special thanks to Bukimed platform for the selection of clinic, doctor, quick answers to all questions and support, as well as translator Varvara, very responsive, kind, nice girl!
care of operated patients, attention to
About Bookimed service
I found Bukimed by chance in a google search, and this has become the most favourite platform and team for quick assistance in selecting a clinic, doctor, excellent advice and attention, quick response 24/7, customer care.
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Tatiana • Revision rhinoplasty

Oct 19, 2024
Verified review.
Verified review.
Dr Yergin Yer speaks little, but his golden hands work wonders with transforming people
I would like to thank all the staff of Aesthetic Centre for the smiles on their faces when meeting each patient, for the perfectly organised treatment plan, for their attention to the patient's needs, for the professionalism in their work and for the very friendly, cosy atmosphere. Dr Yergin Yer speaks little, but his golden hands work wonders with transforming people. Also a huge thank you to the interpreter Varvara! She was on call from the moment we arrived at the airport until we left back, held my hand before the operation and was just a good support. Transfer drivers Hasan and Ermulla, lovely, friendly and always smiling ! Thank you very much for a comfortable journey around Istanbul!
I loved everything about it!
About Bookimed service
I would like to thank Stanislav, Bookimed coordinator, a wonderful person! Stanislav helped me find exactly what I needed. Intelligent, empathic, attentive to the needs and wishes of the client, oriented to help everyone, he was always in touch, answered questions, organised additional services and consultations. Excellent work!
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Esentepe Mah. Keskin Kalem Sk. No.1 Şişli / İSTANBUL


What is a beard transplant?

A beard transplant is a procedure that restores hair growth in the area of the mustache, cheekbones and chin. In most cases, men resort to transplantation in order to:

  • look more masculine and attractive;
  • adjust the hairline;
  • to resume the growth of follicles in the damaged area (in the area of a scar or burn).

During the procedure, the doctor takes grafts (bundles of 1-4 follicles) from the donor site and implants the hair on the beard. The donor area can be the occipital part of the head. At the same time, only your own follicles can be transplanted, since strangers will not take root.

Interesting to know:

The beard is the second most popular area for hair transplantation by men (according to a report by the International Society for Hair Restoration Surgery ISHRS ). More than 28,000 such procedures are performed annually in the world.

Where can I see a photo with the result of the procedure?

We have compiled Before and After beard transplant photos of men so that you can evaluate the result of the transformation and see how much more attractive you can become.

Результаты пересадки волос на бороду

Beard Hair Transplant Results at Smile Hair Clinic (Istanbul, Turkey)

Фото бороды после пересадки

Photos before and after facial hair transplant at Adam and Eve Clinic (Istanbul, Turkey)

Фото бороды после пересадки

Beard Hair Transplant at SALUSS Clinic (Antalya, Turkey)

What affects the cost of a beard transplant?

The cost of a beard transplant depends on the following factors:

  • Zone size. The larger it is, the more grafts need to be transplanted. This increases the cost of the procedure.
  • Selected country and clinic. The cost of a beard transplant service is determined by the general level of prices for medical services in the state. Prices in different clinics of the same country differ depending on the class of the medical institution - the higher it is, the more expensive beard extensions.
  • Additional medical services. The final cost of a beard transplant is affected by the cost of tickets, domestic transfers, accommodation, and translation services.

It is important to know! Most clinics in Turkey provide free transfer from / to the airport, translation services and accommodation. This allows you to reduce your overall travel costs. They also offer a transplant price for the maximum number of grafts. This means that the cost of the procedure will not be higher than originally declared, regardless of the size of the zone.

What does the price include?

Often the price of a beard transplant includes:

  • doctor's advice;
  • laboratory blood tests;
  • beard transplant;
  • medicines and consumables;
  • postoperative consultation.

You can find out about clinics that additionally include transfer, translation services and hotel accommodation in the cost of beard transplantation from the Bookimed coordinating doctor by leaving a message or ordering a call back.

How much does a beard transplant cost?

How to organize the procedure?

Do you want a beard transplant? Leave a request on our website, and a Bookimed coordinating doctor will contact you at a convenient time for you. He will answer your questions about the features of the procedure, leading clinics and specialists. The coordinating doctor will tell you how much a beard transplantation costs, what the price includes, and guide you through promotional and package offers. He will help you choose the best clinic that will meet your wishes in terms of cost, location and level of service.

If necessary, we will help you with booking tickets and accommodation. The coordinating doctor stays in touch 24/7 from the moment you apply and even upon returning home.

You do not pay for Bookimed services!

How to choose a beard transplant clinic?

In order for you to be 100% satisfied with the result of a beard transplant, you need to take a responsible approach to choosing a medical center. It is important to focus on:

  • Physician qualification. Check out his resume. Leading foreign specialists have at least 5 years of practical experience in hair transplantation, they have more than 5,000 implantation procedures on their account.
  • Patient reviews. Check out the stories of men who underwent beard transplant surgery in a particular center to understand whether they are satisfied with the effect, quality of medical care and service.
  • Photo result. From the Before and After photos, you will be able to assess whether implantation is performed in the clinic with high quality, how thick and natural the beard turns out.

How is a beard transplant done?

For hair transplantation in the beard and mustache area, specialists use methods that do not leave scars - FUE and HFE / DHI.

FUE (Follicular unit extraction) - FUE (follicular extraction technique)

During the procedure , the doctor, using a special FUE machine, removes grafts from the donor area. After that, he makes micro incisions in the beard area, and places the hairs in them.

Advanced types of FUE are available in some clinics:

  • Sapphire FUE (Sapphire FUE) - during the procedure, the doctor performs punctures in the beard area using an ultra-thin scalpel with a sapphire tip. It allows you to make smaller incisions, so recovery is faster. The result of Sapphire FUE is more natural than after a traditional FUE, since the doctor can plant the area more densely and set the hairs in the right direction.
  • Organic FUE transplantation is a technique that combines FUE and stem cell injections, which contribute to the restoration of hair density in the donor area and engraftment of follicles in the transplanted area.

HFE (Hand follicular extraction) or DHI (Direct Hair Transplant) - direct hair transplant

During this procedure , the grafts are taken manually by the doctor. To do this, he uses punch - a thin tube with sharp edges. The doctor performs implantation of follicles using a special tool - Choi (Implanter Pen). According to the principle of operation, it is similar to an automatic ballpoint pen: the doctor places a follicle in Choi and injects it under the skin by pressing a button. Thus, the doctor does not need to pre-make incisions. With the help of Choi, he simultaneously makes a puncture and leaves a graft in it, setting the hairs in a natural direction of growth. When placing a graft with a pen, its bulbs are not damaged, so more hairs take root than with FUE.

How does a beard implant work and how long does it take?

2-3 days is the average length of stay in the country for beard implantation. The procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. Training

Preparation includes a doctor's consultation and blood tests. This stage the patient passes on the eve of transplantation or on the day of the procedure.

  1. beard hair transplant surgery

Facial hair transplant surgery takes 2-5 hours (depending on the size of the area and the method of transplantation). The transplant does not require hospitalization, so after it the man goes to the hotel.

  1. Postoperative consultation

The next day, you need to come to the clinic for a consultation with the doctor, where he examines the area of the procedure and gives recommendations for care. After that, the patient can return home.

Interesting to know:

To increase the effectiveness of beard implantation, at the request of the man, in some centers, injections of or platelet -rich ( therapy ) are performed before / after the procedure. Plasma promotes engraftment of follicles, - hair restoration at the donor site and engraftment of transplanted ones.

Life after a beard transplant: what recommendations should be followed and when will the result of the procedure be visible?


Edema and crusts last, on average, 5-10 days - it depends on the characteristics of skin regeneration. The final result of the procedure is visible after 6-12 months, when hair growth normalizes.

It is important to know! 3 weeks after the procedure, part of the implanted follicles may fall out - this is a normal process, which is due to the peculiarities of hair growth. New hairs appear in their place within 3-6 months.


Washing is allowed on day 3, while it is important to do it carefully and quickly. Immediately after the procedure, it is necessary to blot the face with a clean towel so that the skin does not get wet. Doctors recommend shaving not earlier than on the 10th day.

For about 2 weeks, sports and prolonged exposure to the sun should be avoided.

Patient Testimonials After Beard Transplant

Shamil from Russia underwent a beard transplant procedure at the Hair Clinic

Good day to all! I recently visited this clinic on 01/08/2022. While waiting for the result, only a week has passed. In general, I was met at the airport and taken to the hotel. The hotel was clean, the room was good with all amenities, with meals. The anesthesia was really a little painful, but it lasts a little 2-4 minutes, and then you don’t feel it, though the process is long, you have to lie down. In the process there were smoke breaks, and even fed. As a result, 3600 grafts were transplanted to me. There were enough people like me, one was from Kazakhstan, the second from Uzbekistan, there were even from Yugoslavia. Let's see what the result will be in a month. And a few days later they brought me back to the airport. I don’t regret that I flew, now I’m looking forward to the result .. I want to thank Olga separately, she cared a lot, she came to the hotel, she cared, she called 10 times every day, asked what she needed, how I felt. In general, I can safely recommend this clinic to everyone! The service is super.

Liam from the UK underwent a beard transplant procedure at the Smile Hair Clinic (Smile Hair)

My experience would not have been so amazing if not for Bakr on the Bookimed team. I have been contemplating for a while whether to promote hair transplant and they have always been on hand to answer any questions quickly. My decision was redundant, since I had a day off on vacation. Despite the fact that the clinic in Istanbul was busy, Bakr managed to find me in a couple of weeks. He arranged everything for me and even helped me find the best flight times, which were the only expenses I had to pay in advance. From the airport transfer to the hotel and clinic, everything was organized and flawless. I cannot thank Bakr enough, I am very pleased with the results of the transplant and very excited about the upcoming results. If you are thinking about a hair transplant, be sure to consult Bookimed so that you have the same good experience as I did!

How to organize the procedure?

Do you want a beard transplant? Leave a request on our website, and a Bookimed coordinating doctor will contact you at a convenient time for you. He will answer your questions about the features of the procedure, leading clinics and specialists. The coordinating doctor will tell you how much a beard transplantation costs, what the price includes, and guide you through promotional and package offers. He will help you choose the best clinic that will meet your wishes in terms of cost, location and level of service.

If necessary, we will help you with booking tickets and accommodation. The coordinating doctor stays in touch 24/7 from the moment you apply and even upon returning home.

You do not pay for Bookimed services!

How to choose a beard transplant clinic?

In order for you to be 100% satisfied with the result of a beard transplant, you need to take a responsible approach to choosing a medical center. It is important to focus on:

  • Physician qualification. Check out his resume. Leading foreign specialists have at least 5 years of practical experience in hair transplantation, they have more than 5,000 implantation procedures on their account.
  • Patient reviews. Check out the stories of men who underwent beard transplant surgery in a particular center to understand whether they are satisfied with the effect, quality of medical care and service.
  • Photo result. From the Before and After photos, you will be able to assess whether implantation is performed in the clinic with high quality, how thick and natural the beard turns out.
How is a beard transplant done?

For hair transplantation in the beard and mustache area, specialists use methods that do not leave scars - FUE and HFE / DHI.

FUE (Follicular unit extraction) - FUE (follicular extraction technique)

During the procedure , the doctor, using a special FUE machine, removes grafts from the donor area. After that, he makes micro incisions in the beard area, and places the hairs in them.

Advanced types of FUE are available in some clinics:

  • Sapphire FUE (Sapphire FUE) - during the procedure, the doctor performs punctures in the beard area using an ultra-thin scalpel with a sapphire tip. It allows you to make smaller incisions, so recovery is faster. The result of Sapphire FUE is more natural than after a traditional FUE, since the doctor can plant the area more densely and set the hairs in the right direction.
  • Organic FUE transplantation is a technique that combines FUE and stem cell injections, which contribute to the restoration of hair density in the donor area and engraftment of follicles in the transplanted area.

HFE (Hand follicular extraction) or DHI (Direct Hair Transplant) - direct hair transplant

During this procedure , the grafts are taken manually by the doctor. To do this, he uses punch - a thin tube with sharp edges. The doctor performs implantation of follicles using a special tool - Choi (Implanter Pen). According to the principle of operation, it is similar to an automatic ballpoint pen: the doctor places a follicle in Choi and injects it under the skin by pressing a button. Thus, the doctor does not need to pre-make incisions. With the help of Choi, he simultaneously makes a puncture and leaves a graft in it, setting the hairs in a natural direction of growth. When placing a graft with a pen, its bulbs are not damaged, so more hairs take root than with FUE.

How does a beard implant work and how long does it take?

2-3 days is the average length of stay in the country for beard implantation. The procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. Training

Preparation includes a doctor's consultation and blood tests. This stage the patient passes on the eve of transplantation or on the day of the procedure.

  1. beard hair transplant surgery

Facial hair transplant surgery takes 2-5 hours (depending on the size of the area and the method of transplantation). The transplant does not require hospitalization, so after it the man goes to the hotel.

  1. Postoperative consultation

The next day, you need to come to the clinic for a consultation with the doctor, where he examines the area of the procedure and gives recommendations for care. After that, the patient can return home.

Interesting to know:

To increase the effectiveness of beard implantation, at the request of the man, in some centers, injections of or platelet -rich ( therapy ) are performed before / after the procedure. Plasma promotes engraftment of follicles, - hair restoration at the donor site and engraftment of transplanted ones.

Life after a beard transplant: what recommendations should be followed and when will the result of the procedure be visible?


Edema and crusts last, on average, 5-10 days - it depends on the characteristics of skin regeneration. The final result of the procedure is visible after 6-12 months, when hair growth normalizes.

It is important to know! 3 weeks after the procedure, part of the implanted follicles may fall out - this is a normal process, which is due to the peculiarities of hair growth. New hairs appear in their place within 3-6 months.


Washing is allowed on day 3, while it is important to do it carefully and quickly. Immediately after the procedure, it is necessary to blot the face with a clean towel so that the skin does not get wet. Doctors recommend shaving not earlier than on the 10th day.

For about 2 weeks, sports and prolonged exposure to the sun should be avoided.

Patient Testimonials After Beard Transplant

Shamil from Russia underwent a beard transplant procedure at the Hair Clinic

Good day to all! I recently visited this clinic on 01/08/2022. While waiting for the result, only a week has passed. In general, I was met at the airport and taken to the hotel. The hotel was clean, the room was good with all amenities, with meals. The anesthesia was really a little painful, but it lasts a little 2-4 minutes, and then you don’t feel it, though the process is long, you have to lie down. In the process there were smoke breaks, and even fed. As a result, 3600 grafts were transplanted to me. There were enough people like me, one was from Kazakhstan, the second from Uzbekistan, there were even from Yugoslavia. Let's see what the result will be in a month. And a few days later they brought me back to the airport. I don’t regret that I flew, now I’m looking forward to the result .. I want to thank Olga separately, she cared a lot, she came to the hotel, she cared, she called 10 times every day, asked what she needed, how I felt. In general, I can safely recommend this clinic to everyone! The service is super.

Liam from the UK underwent a beard transplant procedure at the Smile Hair Clinic (Smile Hair)

My experience would not have been so amazing if not for Bakr on the Bookimed team. I have been contemplating for a while whether to promote hair transplant and they have always been on hand to answer any questions quickly. My decision was redundant, since I had a day off on vacation. Despite the fact that the clinic in Istanbul was busy, Bakr managed to find me in a couple of weeks. He arranged everything for me and even helped me find the best flight times, which were the only expenses I had to pay in advance. From the airport transfer to the hotel and clinic, everything was organized and flawless. I cannot thank Bakr enough, I am very pleased with the results of the transplant and very excited about the upcoming results. If you are thinking about a hair transplant, be sure to consult Bookimed so that you have the same good experience as I did!

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Hair transplant specialist - Dr Fuzun Erdogan
28 years of experience
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  • Dr. Fuzun Erdogan gained international recognition for his successful operation on Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
  • Adem and Havva Medical Center has conducted over 16,000 plastic surgery interventions and welcomes patients from 45 countries.
  • Included Services: Consultation with a doctor, local anesthesia, preoperative tests, blood tests, medications, follow-up examination, post-op medications, anti-HIV test, anti-HBC test, anti-HCVAb test, neck pillow, language assistance, 1 session, lifetime warranty, shampoo and lotion, follow-up visit, relax, reduce stress, breakfast only.
  • Stay Info: 0 days stay in the hospital, 3 days stay in the hotel (not included in the price).
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Hair transplant specialist - Cengiz Yaylaci
24 years of experience
20000+ treatments performed
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  • Dr. Cengiz Yaylaci has been performing a minimum of 500 hair transplantations monthly with experienced specialists.
  • Hair Clinic provides the only oxygenated hair transplantation system in Turkey with the Comfort-in Device.
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  • Stay Info: 3 days stay in a 5* hotel, included in the price.
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Hair transplant specialist - Yetkin Bayer
30 years of experience
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Hair transplant specialist - Firdavs Ahmedov
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  • Smile Hair Clinic | Hair Transplant In Turkey has served over 10,000 patients from diverse countries including the UK and USA.
  • Included Services: Follow-up visit, shampoo and lotion, Anti-HCVAb test, Anti-HBC test, Anti-HIV test, post-op medications, preoperative tests, local anesthesia, consultation with a doctor, 5* hotel, transfer airport-clinic-airport.
  • Stay Info: 2 days stay in a 5* hotel included in the price.
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Turkey, Istanbul
Hair transplant specialist - Mehlika Esin Dağsali
35 years of experience
10000+ treatments performed
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  • Dr. Mehlika Esin Dağsali personally manages the entire aesthetic operation process for her patients.
  • HWT Clinic is a health sponsor of the Manchester City Football Club.
  • Included Services: Biochemistry blood test, complete blood count (CBC), echocardiography, lifetime warranty, follow-up examination, 1 session, language assistance, hemoglobin typing, anti-HCVAb test, anti-HIV test, consultation with an anesthesiologist, post-op medications, blood tests, sedation, preoperative tests, local anesthesia, consultation with a doctor, video or text consultation, 5* hotel, VIP transfer.
  • Stay Info: 2 days stay in the hotel, 5* hotel included in the price.
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