Dr. Ksenyuk is an experienced specialist in spine surgery who graduated from the Medical University of Lviv and the Institute of Neurosurgery A. Romodanov in Kiev. He specializes in comprehensive diagnostics and surgical treatment of spine pathologies, including minimally invasive, classic, corrective and pain management methods.
Two-bed ward
Transfer is not included
Stabilization of the lumbar spine on two levels with anterior lumbar interbody fusion (ALIF) surgery and discectomy under general anesthesia.
The final decision about the range of the surgery is taken by a doctor after analyzing patient's medical condition and discussing it with him in person. Directly before the surgery the patient will undergo consultations with general practitioner and anesthesiologist who would decide whether he is medically fit for a surgery.
In order to avoid unnecessary travel, we suggest to undergo basic blood analysis in the place of residence and send us the results for initial evaluation.
The price of the above surgery includes:
• laboratory tests, anesthesiology and general evaluation
• all costs connected to the procedure, including doctors’ fees
• medical materials
• hospital stay - one day before the operation and four days after - semi-private room, en-suite, full board, access to internet and TV channels, 24/7 nursing care, 1 hour physiotherapy per day during hospital stay.
The price can change after consultation with neurosurgeon. We can present detailed cost estimation once the specialist issues the referral for surgery.
Personal medical coordinator
Medical travel arrangements — booking of air tickets and hotel rooms at special partner prices
Patient advocacy during medical travel