Dr. Natiga Israfil is an experienced dentist born in 1982 in Azerbaijan who has studied and worked in various countries, including Azerbaijan, Montenegro, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey. He has specialized in Prosthetic Dentistry from 2017-2020.
Accommodation is not included
VIP transfer (premium vehicle service, all transfers between airport, hotel and clinic)
Здравствуйте, мистер Мурат, вот предложение нашей клиники.
24 Циркониевая коронка Стоимость: 3500 €
24 Металлокерамика Стоимость: 2640€
есть разные варианты, которые мы можем сделать
Передние 6 верхних и 6 нижних зубов мы можем сделать из циркониевых материалов: 1750 € + 12 верхних и нижних зубов на задней стороне можно сделать из металлокерамических материалов: 1320 €
В этом случае общая стоимость составит: 3070€
желая услышать от вас ответ,
Hello Mr Murat here is an offer on our clinic
24 Zirconium Crown Cost: 3500€
24 Metal-Ceramic Cost : 2640€
there are different option we can do as well
The Front 6 Upper and 6 Lower teeth we can do them with Zirconium Materials : 1750€ + the 12 Upper and Lower on back side can me with Metal-Ceramic materials: 1320€
In this case total cost will be: 3070€
wishing to hear back from you,
Personal medical coordinator
Medical travel arrangements — booking of air tickets and hotel rooms at special partner prices
Patient advocacy during medical travel