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Standard Otoplasty (ear surgery) All Included

Istanbul Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Center Turkey Istanbul
94% Clients recommended this clinic
Excellent score based on 374 patient reviews Read reviews

Plastic surgeon

Gürhan Özcan
Gürhan Özcan
Dr. Gürhan Ozcan has been twice awarded by the American Society for Plastic Surgery (ASPS) in the field of plastic surgery. In 2006, he received a certificate from the European Board of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (EBOPRAS).
42 years of experience

Dr. Gürhan Özcan is a highly experienced plastic surgeon in Turkey with over 35 years of experience. He specializes in nose, eyelid, breast, and abdominal surgeries and is an expert in tummy tuck and revision rhinoplasty. He is a founding chairman of the Department of Plastic Surgery at Başkent University Faculty of Medicine and is a member of the Turkish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (TSAPS), European Association of Plastic Surgeons (ESPRAS) and European Board of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (EBOPRAS).

Before and After Pictures

photo #1

Program details

Dr. Gürhan Ozcan, a top-rated plastic surgeon, has twice been awarded by the American Society for Plastic Surgery. Istanbul Aesthetics Plastic Surgery Center offers advanced methods like Vaser liposuction and FUE hair transplants, with a 96% satisfaction rate.
Read about the program benefits
Medical Procedures

  • Hysterosalpingography
  • Otoplasty (ear surgery)
  • General anesthesia
  • Blood tests
  • Post-op medications
  • Consultation with an anesthesiologist
  • Compression garments
  • Consultation with a plastic surgeron


  • 5 days in the hotel


4* Hotel


Transfer airport-hotel-clinic-airport

24/7 Bookimed assistance

Personal medical coordinator

Medical travel arrangements — booking of air tickets and hotel rooms at special partner prices

Patient advocacy during medical travel

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Patient reviews

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Istanbul Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Center overall rate includes
Language assistance

Anonymous • Liposuction Italy

Aug 18, 2024
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Verified review.

I'm still recovering but am very hopeful that the result will be better than I expected

This procedure was on my mind for over 3 years, but I was scared shitless to move forward with it since I've heard a number of unfortunate stories. I had blood clotting issue during pregnancy, so I was extremely worried. Thankfully, Bookimed responded all my questions in a timely manner and with care. Calling me "dear" in every sentence was a bit too much for me, but I knew I was being taken care of. I was mostly surprised that all they needed was my flight info to confirm the appointment, not down payment. That made me feel more at ease to know that it was legitimate. Later, I was contacted by the Istanbul Aesthetic Center's liaison, who was fluent in English and explained everything in detail. Dr. Ergin Er suggested a full tummy tuck instead of a mini one to give the best result once he examined in person, and I'm glad that I did. I can barely see the stretch marks and haven't seen my stomach this flat in years. The disappointing part was when I couldn't get the vaser liposuction on my arms because there's not much fat to extract. I thought my arms are huge but apparently not fatty. Instead of operating for just money, I appreciated the doctor for his transparency. He mentioned it would only give a 30% difference, and it wouldn't be worth of getting scars. At least knowing it from a professional inspired me to focus my workout on my arms instead if second guessing "what-if" if I never took this route. Hence, my procedure changed but the price stayed the same since it deducted arms but upgraded to a full tummy tuck. From the airport pick up to the post-operation, everything was well-planned. I was well-taken care by the nurses and the drivers as well. As the liaison mentioned the nurses aren't fluent English speakers but that didn't stop me from being taken care of. I'm still recovering but am very hopeful that the result will be better than I expected.
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Anonymous • Tummy Tuck and Liposuction Germany

Nov 22, 2024
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Verified review.

Ich bin mit dem Ergebnis schon jetzt absolut zufrieden

Ich habe vor 2 Wochen eine Bauchstraffung mit 360* Fettabsaugung in der Astethic Surgery Clinik in Istanbul bei Dr.Ergin Er machen lassen. Alles wurde über Bookimed für mich organisiert. Ich bekam eine deutsch sprechende Mitarbeiterin von Bookimed mit der ich per WhatsApp App alles im Vorfeld besprechen konnte. Am OP Tag lernte ich die Dolmetscherin die vor Ort für mich zuständig ist, persönlich kennen, zuvor hatten wir schon auf Deutsch geschrieben. Dr.Er war sehr nett und zeigte mir auf was möglich ist und was nicht.Mein 2.Tag in Istanbul war auch gleichzeitig mein OP Tag. Alles verlief so wie zuvor besprochen. Nach der OP wurde ich sehr gut durch ein junges Pflegeteam betreut, es war immer sofort jemand da der sich kümmerte. Ich hatte die ganze Zeit über keine Schmerzen und wurde medikamentös gut versorgt. Ich blieb 2 Tage in der Klinik und ging dann ins Hotel. Innerhalb der 7 Tage gab es 2 weitere Kontrolltermine,so dass ich mit einer grossen Sicherheit in den Flieger nach Deutschland steigen konnte. Auch bekam ich einen OP Bericht und eine Bescheinigung für den Flieger mit, damit ich während des Fluges öfter aufstehen und mich bewegen konnte. Jetzt 2 Wochen später muss ich sagen,dass ich von Tag zu Tag beweglicher und mit dem Ergebnis schon jetzt absolut zufrieden bin. Dabei ist die Schwellung noch nicht ganz abgeheilt Ich kann Bookimed für eine medizinische Reise jedem sehr empfehlen, dort ist man in guten Händen und rundum ist alles gut organisiert
Es ist ein gutes Gefühl so gut umsorgt und betreut zu werden in Momenten nach einer OP in denen man sich schwach und verwundbar fühlt. Besser wie in einem Deutschen Krankenhaus!
Da gibt es nichts das ich zu bemängelt hätte
About Bookimed service
Anfangs war ich unsicher und hatte viele Fragen, aber über Bookimed bekam ich eine persönliche Beratung die mir alle Fragen beantwortete. Das gab mit Sicherheit und half bei der endgültigen Entscheidung eine Bauchstraffungs-OP im Ausland machen zu lassen

Marguerite Thomas • Breast Implant Revision United Kingdom

Aug 8, 2024
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Verified review.

My surgeon, Dr Ergin Er was thorough in the pre-op consultation and speaks perfect English so no barriers there

From the first enquiry into my surgery journey the staff at Bookimed were very attentive & responded to any questions in a speedy manner, this was followed through consistently during my stay so I’d like to say thank you personally to Yasin & Ege. My surgeon, Dr Ergin Er was thorough in the pre op consultation and speaks perfect English so no barriers there,. My surgery went well and was offered pain relief as & when need, be mindful that the nursing staff speak very little English so best to use a translation app. The food offered was ok however I was given my evening meal at 5pm and was hungry later in the evening, I couldn’t use a delivery app without a Turkish cell number so I’d recommend to take snacks & drinks, water is available from a cooler but I craved a Coke Zero lol.
The Bookimed staff & Dr Er attention
Lack of availability of refreshments other than water

Daria Korolova • Breast lift Turkey

Jul 11, 2024
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Verified review.

doctor Ergin Er - a doctor from God, I advise everyone, a professional of his work!!!!


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While I am still on the rehabilitation period at home, tomorrow is a week after the operation and check-up with the doctor. I had liposuction of the abdomen and sides + Brazilian buttocks lift + breast lift, all in one day. The first 3-4 days of rehabilitation are the hardest, but then much easier, the staff / help / service at the highest level, doctor Ergin Er - a doctor from God, I advise everyone, a professional of his work!!!!. I will post photos after at least a month, but the forms are visually visible and pleasing to the eye!!!! Special thanks to Bukimed platform for the selection of clinic, doctor, quick answers to all questions and support, as well as translator Varvara, very responsive, kind, nice girl!
care of operated patients, attention to
About Bookimed service
I found Bukimed by chance in a google search, and this has become the most favourite platform and team for quick assistance in selecting a clinic, doctor, excellent advice and attention, quick response 24/7, customer care.
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Tatiana • Revision rhinoplasty Poland

Oct 19, 2024
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Verified review.

Dr Yergin Yer speaks little, but his golden hands work wonders with transforming people

I would like to thank all the staff of Aesthetic Centre for the smiles on their faces when meeting each patient, for the perfectly organised treatment plan, for their attention to the patient's needs, for the professionalism in their work and for the very friendly, cosy atmosphere. Dr Yergin Yer speaks little, but his golden hands work wonders with transforming people. Also a huge thank you to the interpreter Varvara! She was on call from the moment we arrived at the airport until we left back, held my hand before the operation and was just a good support. Transfer drivers Hasan and Ermulla, lovely, friendly and always smiling ! Thank you very much for a comfortable journey around Istanbul!
I loved everything about it!
About Bookimed service
I would like to thank Stanislav, Bookimed coordinator, a wonderful person! Stanislav helped me find exactly what I needed. Intelligent, empathic, attentive to the needs and wishes of the client, oriented to help everyone, he was always in touch, answered questions, organised additional services and consultations. Excellent work!
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Esentepe Mah. Keskin Kalem Sk. No.1 Şişli / İSTANBUL


What is otoplasty?

Otoplasty or ear surgery is a cosmetic surgery to improve the size and shape of the ears and eliminating lop ears. The operation minimizes post-traumatic or congenital ear defects. The method of otoplasty depends on the type of deformity.

What are ear surgery types?

Depending on the goals this intervention has to achieve, specialists distinguish two types of otoplasty:

  • aesthetic — performed to eliminate any cosmetic defects (lop ears, too large auricles or their asymmetry)
  • reconstructive — required in case of the auricle congenital deformities or their complete absence.
What are the indications for otoplasty?

Ear surgery helps correct:

  • lop ears
  • the auricles congenital deformities
  • cup ear deformity
  • torn earlobe repair
  • missing auricle.

Any congenital malformation of the auricles causes the vast majority of visits to plastic surgeons.

What are the contraindications to the surgery?

Contraindications to otoplasty are almost the same as to any other plastic surgery but include some specific ones. Among them are:

  • bleeding disorders
  • infectious diseases
  • exacerbation of any chronic diseases
  • inflammatory diseases of the ear, nose and throat
  • external ear inflammatory diseases
  • diabetes
  • menstruation
  • pregnancy
  • oncological diseases
  • immunodeficiencies.
What is the preparation period before ear surgery?

Before performing ear surgery, the primary examination is required — blood tests (general, for HIV, RW, hepatitis B, and C), bleeding time test, chest X-ray, and ECG (electrocardiogram).

2 weeks before the plastic ear surgery, the doctor advises refusing medication intake that can affect blood coagulation.

Smokers are advised to quit smoking at least 4 weeks before having plastic surgery (or at least significantly reduce the number of cigarettes smoked).

It would be best if you also stopped drinking alcohol at this time (this complicates the postoperative period).

The day before the operation, you need to have a fast day, and on the day of otoplasty — refuse food entirely.

More about the preparation here.

What are the steps of the operation?

The ear surgery is an outpatient procedure and takes from 30 minutes to 2 hours. The intervention process is divided into seven steps:

  1. marking of tissues to be excised
  2. local anesthesia
  3. removal of excess skin in the fold of the auricle
  4. replacement and/or removal of cartilage fragments
  5. fixation of cartilage in a new position
  6. cosmetic skin suturing
  7. compression bandage.

In-hospital stay is not required. A patient can come back home right after the surgery.

How long is the recovery period after otoplasty?

Otoplasty is a relatively simple operation, and the patient returns home right after the procedure. During 3-7 days, the patient wears a fixing bandage to avoid auricle injuries, especially during sleep. In some cases, doctors recommend wearing a bandage at night for 3 weeks.

Sometimes the patient feels some pain after otoplasty. In such cases, the doctor may prescribe painkillers. Also, antibiotics are often prescribed as a preventive measure to prevent the occurrence of complications such as infection and inflammatory processes.

If non-absorbable sutures were used during the surgery, they are usually removed after 2 weeks.

There are some restrictions on physical activity. Doctors advise significantly limiting it for at least one month after ear surgery.

Some patients have questions regarding the possible impact of otoplasty on hearing. This operation does not affect hearing.

The final evaluation of the ear surgery result is carried out by the doctor only in 6 months.

Read more here.

What are the possible complications after ear surgery?

Otoplasty is not a difficult surgery, but it still an intervention so that it may lead to some complications:

  • bruises and hematomas (especially in smoking patients; last approximately 1-2 weeks)
  • inflammatory (usually in people with the weakened immune system)
  • hypertrophic scars (commonly are caused by an individual skin tendency to scarring).

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Turkey, Istanbul
Plastic surgeon - Ramazan Arslan
Ramazan Arslan
10 years of experience
  • Technique: Premium Otoplasty (ear surgery)
  • Dr. Ramazan Arslan worked as a research assistant at Ankara Training and Research Centre.
  • Quartz Clinique serves 6,500 patients annually, primarily from Europe, the Commonwealth, Arab League States, and CIS.
  • Included Services: Video or text consultation, sedation, follow-up examination, consultation with an anesthesiologist, language assistance, compression corset, follow-up visit, 4* hotel, VIP transfer.
  • Stay Info: 0 days stay in the hospital, 3 days stay in the hotel, included in the price.
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Turkey, Antalya
Plastic surgeon - Ugurcan Sener
Ugurcan Sener
9 years of experience
  • Technique: Basic Otoplasty (ear surgery)
  • Ugurcan Sener is a member of the Turkish Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Association (TPRECD).
  • SoracaMed Clinic is a private multi-specialty medical center in Antalya, Turkey, established in 2021.
  • Included Services: 4* hotel, transfer airport-hotel-clinic-airport
  • Stay Info: 0 days stay in the hospital, 4 days stay in the hotel, included in the price
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Turkey, Istanbul
Plastic surgeon - Mesut Inan
Mesut Inan
15 years of experience
  • Ibrahim Altoparlak has performed numerous successful otoplasty surgeries, ensuring high patient satisfaction.
  • Grand Clinic serves 450 patients annually, attracting individuals from Europe, Latin America, and the USA.
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  • Stay Info: 1-day stay in the hospital, 5-day stay in a 4* hotel, included in the price.
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Turkey, İzmir
ENT doctor - Murat Songu
Murat Songu
24 years of experience
  • Technique: Basic Otoplasty (ear surgery)
  • Murat Songu received the "Politzer Society Special Award" for his work in otoplasty.
  • Murat Songu serves 500 patients annually from Europe, the Commonwealth, and other regions.
  • Included Services: Anti-HIV test, Anti-HBC test, consultation with a surgeon, general anesthesia.
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