Dr. Esra Cabuk Comert is an Obstetrician, Gynecologist, and Cosmetic Gynecologist based in Ankara, Turkey, specializing in , Vaginal Aesthetics, Laparoscopic Surgeries, and Cosmetic Gynecology Training. She has successfully handled over 20,000 cases in these fields.
Accommodation is not included
Transfer is not included
- Laser vaginal whitening requires up to 3 to 4 sessions to achieve the best result. (Cost per session 350 EUR)
- Our doctor usually prefers to apply chemical mesotherapy a gentle and effective treatment that lightens and evens skin tone in the intimate area.
-This method also requires up to 2 or 3 sessions to achieve the best result but it's efficacy is higher compared to laser whitening. (Each session cost is 700 EUR)
Personal medical coordinator
Medical travel arrangements — booking of air tickets and hotel rooms at special partner prices
Patient advocacy during medical travel