Dr. Park Young Kyu is a highly regarded plastic surgeon known for various operations including Tummy tuck, Rhinoplasty, Otoplasty, Forehead lift, Facelift surgery, Liposuction, Blepharoplasty, and more. He is a summa cum laude graduate and an adjunct professor at SoonChunHyang University. He has received recognition as a top medical resident by the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons and is part of numerous professional societies.
Transfer is not included
No implant applicable
Hello~^^ This is SAERO Plastic Surgery~ We offer new event for tip rhinoplasty by Dr. Park Young Kyu. Tip rhinoplasty may include tip reduction, elevation or short tip correction. Additional procedure such as alar reduction can be considered if needed. The event includes 2 nighs stay at apartment. Tip rhinoplasty does not require stitch out as we perform it with no-scar method. The incision is located inside. However, if alar reduction needed, sutures should be removed after 7 days.
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