Accommodation is not included
Regular transfer
No implant applicable
Our center specializes in Penis enlargement procedures and our customers come from many European countries. The procedures are all outpatient and after the treatment you can return to normal daily activities on the same day. Treatments can be carried out both in Lugano, Locarno e Milan. We normally use three procedures to perform penis enlargement: Biocompatible Medium Duration Fillers;Lipofilling with Cells of the Vascolo Stromale Fraction;Lipofilling with Mesenchymal Cells; The choice between one and the other procedure also depends very much on the objectives both in terms of result and duration. The first procedure uses reabsorbable crosslinked hyaluronic acid fillers, has a duration of between 12 and 15 months at most and we use it for small / medium enlargements. It has a great advantage of being a quick, painless procedure and the results of which are immediately visible. The duration is, obviously, linked to the reabsorption of hyaluronic acid, which is very subjective, but, in the penis has a slower resorption and therefore the duration, compared to the same fillers used in different areas, is greater.The enlargement that can be obtained is directly proportional to the quantity of injected hyaluronic acid.Normally we recommend 5ml to 10ml of hyaluronic acid proportionally distributed on the penis.The increase in circumference depends on the length of the penis (normally we are between 3 and 5 cm). The second procedure (lipofilling), certainly has a longer duration, is slightly more invasive and foresees the presence of a "donor" area, from which to take the fat necessary to carry out the replanting. Lipofilling has the double advantage of not involving any risk of allergies or rejection and allowing a very natural visual and tactile result. The fat implanted normally has an immediate reabsorption (within a few months) of about 30%, therefore the volumes that are to be reached must be increased considering this percentage of reabsorption. It is a treatment that takes place under local anesthesia with the possibility of being performed on an outpatient basis. The duration in time, also here, is variable from subject to subject. Lipofilling is one of the permanent treatments, the techniques currently used in our Center, which provide an increasingly delicate treatment of adipocytes during all phases of the operation, guarantee a high survival rate of the infiltrated material in the receiving area, even if the result may vary from person to person depending on individual characteristics. Although it is difficult to talk about permanent stabilization of transplanted fat, it is now possible to achieve optimal stability of the surgical result, with a percentage of resorption increasingly close to zero and with a clear reduction of any asymmetries and nodularity. In Lipofilling, the survival of fat cells during the collection and implantation procedure makes the difference in the duration of the treatment. for this reason, we use a protocol patented by Arthrex that allows us to separate and subsequently add the cells of the vascular stromal fraction, allowing us a greater survival over time of the treatment of Lipofilling. The third procedure is the Gold Standard of treatments and is the Lipofilling with Mesenchymal Cells. This treatment is definitive and involves a first withdrawal of fat (about 20cc.) Which is sent to the Cell Factory for cellular expansion. After about 2 weeks, Lipofilling is done adding the extracted received from the Cell Factory (about 50 / 70,000,000 ).The mesenchymal added to the fat used in lipofilling make the permanent treatment with an initial reabsorption (in the first 4 months) of less than 8% and at a distance of 2 years with an increase of between 1.5 / 2% which means a total stabilization of the treatment. The use of Vascular Stromal Fraction Cells and Cells in Lipofilling represent a novelty that our centers have been using for almost a year in Cell Regeneration ( Cell Treatment) and Lipofilling treatments. Since with Lipofilling the volume increase is carried out with autologous fat, we have no volumization limits except those determined by an overall harmony (length / width) that the surgeon can recommend to the patient. The cross-linked Fillers, instead, that we use, are totally absorbable and biocompatible, have a fair duration, but above all they are minimally invasive and allow an immediate return to sexual relations.
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