Individual chamber
Transfer is not included
No implant applicable
What is included in the package? Appointments and examinations examinations within a year after the surgery; combined intravenous-endotracheal anesthesia; special compression bandage for the rehabilitation period; facelift surgery; observation in the clinic ward, meals, medical staff support. The plastic surgeon chooses the method of performing the surgery based on the desired result, as well as the individual features of the patient's facial structure. Yurchenko Team offers several types of facelifts: circular; 2/3 lift; middle third; temporal lifting; neck lift. Yurchenko Team offers a comprehensive approach to rejuvenation. During a facelift, we can perform blepharoplasty, neck rejuvenation, lip augmentation, rhinoplasty, lipofilling depending on the indications and, most importantly, the patient's wishes. After the surgery, the scar remains invisible. On the 10th day, the surgeon removes the stitches.
Personal medical coordinator
Medical travel arrangements — booking of air tickets and hotel rooms at special partner prices
Patient advocacy during medical travel