Dr. Pichet Rodchareon, MD is a board-certified plastic surgeon specializing in sex reassignment surgery, male to female (MTF) surgery, and female to male (FTM) surgery. He has successfully performed over 3,000 aesthetic surgical procedures and is known for providing superior aesthetic and functional results.
Accommodation is not included
Transfer to the clinic
No implant applicable
Top Surgery Package: This price is include operating room, recovery room or standard inpatient room, nursing service, package food, medicine, medical equipment, medical supply which require for the specific operation ,Home medication , consultation fee , surgeon team and anesthesiologist team , garment and follow check up. The cost is not covered with hotel fee. Bangkok hotel fee is cheap (30 usd per night for 2-3 stars ).Serious warning;1. Do not take aspirin or anti-inflammatory around 7 days before surgery.2. If you smoke, quit smoking or reduce it at least 2 weeks pre-op (andanticipate no smoking for the recovery, smoking greatly increases your riskof complications)Please beware to prepare your full payment before surgery.Such document like below during your operation , just need it one.1) Certificate from a licensed psychologist stating that you are a suitable candidate for top breast surgery.2) Or I would also like, although not an absolute requirement, a personal reference from one such as a friend, family member or employer supporting your desire to make this change. How long you have taken hormones and wearing male clothes. We provide this service to those that feel they can live only as a male. If you feel this way, I will do the surgery for you.3) or Documentation (prescriptions or other documentation) that you have been taking hormones for at least 1 year or any one can support you have to take this hormone.4) or all of them.
Personal medical coordinator
Medical travel arrangements — booking of air tickets and hotel rooms at special partner prices
Patient advocacy during medical travel