Since 2014, Bookimed has connected over 1 million patients with 1,500 globally verified clinics in 50+ countries. We have collected over 6,000 real patient reviews about their experiences with us.
We are one of the few platforms with Temos certification (Germany), which proves our excellent reputation and expertise.
Here are the guarantees every patient receives from us and our partners:
We work exclusively with clinics holding recognized international certifications (JCI, ISO, Temos).
Every doctor on the Bookimed website is verified, and holds all necessary diplomas and certifications.
Over 6,000 genuine stories with photos and videos give insight into real experiences.
All our medical coordinators are certified doctors, ensuring the accuracy of the information provided.
In cases where the treatment doesn’t meet expectations and a clinical error is proven, we stay in touch with the patient and contact the clinic to help resolve the issue.
We have provided regular audits of clinic licenses, hygiene standards, and safety protocols.
❗We don’t cover: Costs related to additional travel, accommodation, or tickets.
The prices on the Bookimed website match the clinic’s price lists. Treatment prices are confirmed with the patient before the procedure to prevent surprises. In the case of additional medical procedures or expenses, all costs are discussed with the patient before the invoice is issued.
We refund the Bookimed deposit if the medical service is not provided.
Pay directly to the clinic through secure online methods or in cash.
Access treatment now and pay later with our flexible installment plans.
Patients who invite their relatives to Bookimed receive additional discounts.
A dedicated specialist helps you with every step—from planning your trip to post-treatment communication.
Patients can request an expert opinion to confirm their diagnosis and options.
Our team stays connected for 1 month after treatment to monitor recovery.
International payment systems safeguard all transactions.
Patients benefit from full data privacy through the protection of their personal information, secure storage, and control over their data, thanks to our compliance with GDPR and HIPAA. They can access, modify, or delete their data and have confidential medical consultations. Anonymity is available upon request, keeping their identity and records private.
At Bookimed, we guarantee trusted medical solutions with no compromises on quality or transparency. Your health is our priority.