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Your friend Karen invited you to join Bookimed!

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1,121 people joined this month

More reasons to join

Free expert assistance
Bookimed provides expert assistance at no cost. Pay only for your procedure—zero hidden markups. Plus, enjoy a $100 discount as a member.
Priority response
Skip the queue with fast-track responses. As a referral program member, you get exclusive priority treatment—we handle your needs first.
24/7 support
Your personal medical coordinator will always be by your side—before, during, and after your treatment. They are ready to support you and handle any issues, anytime.

How to get started?

Now you can take advantage of our exclusive referral program!
Submit a request
Fill out the form to let us know your medical needs.
Chat with your coordinator
After you submit the form, you can access the chat with your medical coordinator. They will answer all your questions and help you find the right сlinic or doctor.
Claim your discount
Get a $100 discount on your procedure.
Take a peek into your friend's experience
  • Location
    United Kingdom
  • Rated Bookimed services and treatment results
  • Procedure
    Check up for women over 50
  • Clinic
    Memorial Şişli Hospital
The clinic your friend entrusted with their health
Memorial Şişli Hospital
International Organization for Standardization certificate for Memorial Şişli Hospital
Joint Commission International  certificate for Memorial Şişli Hospital
Highest-Rated Clinic for Check up for women over 50
Turkey, Istanbul
• 303 reviews
Mehmet Aydogan
24 years of experience
Certified professional
Mehmet Aydogan
303 reviews

We'd love to speak with you

Let's discuss your medical needs and how we can help you fulfill them.
Yan Matsiievskiy
Medical Coordinator & editor
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How can we assist you?
Please describe your medical needs or concerns here. For example: “I’m considering a rhinoplasty. I want to find an affordable clinic with good reviews and experienced doctors. What can you suggest?”
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Trusted by over 796 765 patients


All reviews are checked by Bookimed team to ensure they are real. Clinics or doctors cannot add, edit, or delete reviews.


What is the Bookimed Referral Program?
The Bookimed Referral Program allows you to earn rewards by inviting your friends to use Bookimed's services. Both you and your referred friend can benefit financially when they book and complete a medical treatment or surgery through Bookimed.
How do I participate in the referral program?
To join the referral program, you must first use the referral link your friend sent you. It will take you to an application form where you can share your medical needs. Alternatively, you can use it to browse the Bookimed website, explore the options, and then leave a request. Just be sure to access Bookimed via the referral link to get a special discount on a procedure.
What do I get if I sign up via the referral link?
If you sign up using the referral link and complete a procedure with Bookimed, you will receive a $100 cashback. The money will be credited directly to your bank account. The referral program applies to transactions where the bill exceeds $1,000.
When will I receive my $100 cashback?
Once you arrive at the clinic and pay for your procedure, Bookimed will transfer $100 to your bank account.
Can I also refer my friends to earn rewards?
Yes! After you leave a request on Bookimed, you can refer your own friends and earn more rewards. We will send you a referral link to share with them. You'll receive a monetary reward each time a new user signs up through this link and completes a procedure. Keep in mind that your referred friend must not already be registered with Bookimed.