This procedure eliminates malignant liver cells, offering a chance for full recovery with surgical precision.
This therapy is a non-invasive option using precise radiation for treating cancerous and non-cancerous tumors.
This therapy treats tumors with high-energy protons, targeting only sick cells, sparing healthy tissues, reducing side effects.
This therapy uses electric pulses to target and destroy harmful cells, offering precise, minimal side-effects treatment.
The procedure uses extreme cold to destroy abnormal tissues, noted for its minimal invasiveness and quick recovery periods.
This therapy is a cutting-edge radiation treatment, precisely targeting tumors while reducing harm to nearby healthy tissue.
This therapy uses heat to destroy liver tumors without surgery, benefiting from less pain and quicker recovery.
This therapy targets and kills cancer cells in the liver, using drugs given by mouth or injection.
This therapy combines cancer-killing drugs and blockage of blood supply to shrink liver tumors rapidly and effectively.
Treatment plan development
The diagnostic and treatment plan for liver cancer is highly individual and can only be determined by your doctor. Other diagnostic measures like MRI and PET scans may also be used. Additional treatment options like liver transplant, ablation therapies, or clinical trials may also be considered.
The cost of liver cancer treatment can range from $13,550 to $33,660:
The doctor will determine the total treatment cost based on your needs and past treatments. You may not need to redo previous tests, which could save money.
Removal of liver cancer | from $25000 | - | from $6570 |
CyberKnife | from $4750 | - | from $6502 |
Proton-beam therapy | from $800 | - | from $23898 |
NanoKnife | from $3000 | - | - |
Cryodestruction | from $500 | - | - |
Tomotherapy | from $10000 | from $1000 | from $7586 |
Radiofrequency ablation of the liver | - | - | from $542 |
Chemotherapy for liver cancer | from $1800 | - | from $542 |
Chemoembolization of the liver | from $5000 | - | from $15171 |
Oncothermia | - | - | - |
PET/CT | from $700 | - | from $1313 |
Biopsy | from $325 | - | from $1517 |
Extended analysis of blood | from $50 | - | from $1084 |
Consultation with an oncologist | from $100 | from $325 | from $520 |
Consultation with a gastroenterologist | from $76 | from $119 | from $146 |
Сomplex oncology diagnostic | from $1100 | - | - |
Histopathology revision | from $350 | - | from $433 |
Fine-needle aspiration biopsy | from $550 | - | - |
Abdominal CT Scan | from $300 | - | - |
CT scan of the body part | from $340 | - | from $542 |
Consultation of a radiologist | from $120 | - | from $580 |
Consultation with an interventional radiologist | from $100 | - | - |
Comprehensive diagnosis for Liver Cancer | - | - | - |
MR Linac | from $8000 | - | - |
The total cost is calculated individually. It may range depending on your medical issue, doctor's qualification, procedure complexity and related complications (if they occur). You’ll get the exact price for a plastic surgery procedure after a consultation with a doctor. |
The treatment of liver cancer can be performed in Medical Oncology, General Surgery, Radiology, or Nuclear Medicine Departments.
A patient arrives at the Hospital and undergoes tests to estimate health condition. A set of diagnostic procedures includes consultation with the specialists, blood tests including oncomarkers, PET-CT.
Then doctors determine the best treatment for liver cancer which can involve surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, targeted therapy.
The liver cancer treatment cost at Anadolu is calculated after the full diagnosis.
Removal of liver cancer | $12000 - $18000 |
CyberKnife | $4750 - $6450 |
Consultation with a gastroenterologist | $360 |
Extended analysis of blood | $810 |
Abdominal CT Scan | $300 - $600 |
Sourasky is one of the best liver cancer treatment centers in Israel. A team of specialists provides the liver oncological disease treatment in Sourasky Cancer Department.
A patient undergoes a complete examination at the Center. It includes blood tests, PET-CT, CT, biopsy. Diagnostics takes about 3-4 days.
Then doctors develop a treatment plan. It may include chemotherapy (about 6 cycles), liver resection, SIRT therapy, etc.
SIRT therapy is considered a new treatment option. Microscopic particles penetrate into the liver tumor and are irradiated. The healthy tissues are not affected.
The liver cancer treatment cost is calculated individually after a complete examination.
Consultation with an oncologist | $950 - $1000 |
PET/CT | $1580 |
Consultation with a gastroenterologist | $950 |
A multi-stage system of medical care functionate in Private Clinic Josefstadt that provide the most effective and comfortable for the patient process of treatment.
Proton-beam therapy | $800 - $1000 |
Consultation with an oncologist | $220 |
Fine-needle aspiration biopsy | $550 - $650 |
PET/CT | $650 |
MR Linac | $8000 - $12000 |
Wiener Privatklinik is a private hospital in Austria. Prof. Rainer Kotz is the Medical Director of the Clinic. Wiener Privatklinik has the connection with some Nobel Prize winners. Among them Theodor Billroth, Robert Barany, Karl Landsteiner, Konrad Lorenz, Otto Loewi, Karl Ritter von Frisch. Sigmund Freud was practicing in the Clinic.
Consultation with an oncologist | $325.1 - $433.46 |
The treatment of liver cancer at Medipol is carried out after the complete medical tests. They include blood tests, PET-CT, liver biopsy. The examination takes approx. 4 days.
When diagnostics is over, doctors develop treatment tactics and decide what is the best treatment for liver cancer. Among the treatment options are surgery (liver resection), radiofrequency ablation, chemotherapy, chemoembolization, etc.
The liver cancer treatment cost depends on the range of therapies applied and duration of the hospital-stay period.
NanoKnife | $12000 - $18000 |
CT scan of the body part | $600 - $800 |
Consultation of a radiologist | $300 |
Biopsy | $2500 - $3000 |
PET/CT | $800 |
Liver cancer treatment at Teknon is performed after the complete diagnostics. It includes blood tests, biopsy, PET-CT. The duration of examination is about 4 days.
After the diagnostics, doctors develop a treatment plan and decide what is the best treatment for liver cancer. It may consist of surgery (liver resection), chemotherapy, radiofrequency ablation, chemoembolization, etc.
The liver cancer treatment cost depends on the chosen therapies and lasting of the hospital-stay period.
Chemoembolization of the liver | $15171.15 - $19505.77 |
Chemotherapy for liver cancer | $2167.31 - $3250.96 |
CyberKnife | $10836.54 - $19505.77 |
Proton-beam therapy | $27091.34 - $48764.42 |
Removal of liver cancer | $21673.07 - $27091.34 |
CyberKnife | $4750 - $6450 |
Consultation with a gastroenterologist | $220 |
Extended analysis of blood | $100 - $300 |
Fine-needle aspiration biopsy | $1000 |
PET/CT | $650 - $700 |
Consultation with an oncologist | $130 |
PET/CT | $850 |
Ospedale San Raffaele (San Raffaele Research Hospital) in Milan is one of the largest research hospitals in Europe. It applies ad hoc methods for rare immune system and genetic diseases treatment.
Among its achievements — the world's first stem cell therapy for patients with severe combined immune deficiency disorder (ADA-SCID).
Oncology, oncohematology, neurosurgery, neurology, cardiovascular surgery, urology, and gynecology are the strongest specialities here.
Surgeons of the hospital perform over 52,000 operations annually.
Histopathology revision | $243.82 - $1219.11 |
CT scan of the body part | $346.77 - $433.46 |
PET/CT | $750 |
Histopathology revision | $500 |
Biopsy | $1300 - $2200 |
PET/CT | $700 |
Consultation with an oncologist | $130 |
Radiofrequency ablation of the liver | $13003.84 |
CyberKnife | $8669.23 - $15171.15 |
Histopathology revision | $1300.38 |
Extended analysis of blood | $325.1 - $1300.38 |
CT scan of the body part | $931.94 |
Asklepios is certified as the Competence Center for Surgery of the Liver by German Society for General and Vascular Surgery.
Liver cancer treatment is performed by a team of specialists which consists of an oncologist, radiologist, gastroenterologist.
The treatment tactic is developed only after the complete diagnostics.
Among the treatment options are liver resection, radiofrequency ablation, transarterial chemoembolization (TACE), chemotherapy.
The liver cancer treatment cost is possible to be calculated after the complete diagnostics and establishing a treatment plan.
Removal of liver cancer | $1641 - $2188 |
Chemotherapy for liver cancer | $3142.6 - $4876.44 |
Consultation with an oncologist | $541.83 |
Extended analysis of blood | $325.1 - $379.28 |
CT scan of the body part | $1192.02 |
Liver cancer treatment at LIV is performed after the patient health evaluation. Such diagnostic procedures are made to establish the diagnosis: consultation with one or several specialists, blood tests, PET-CT.
Then doctors develop treatment tactic to cure liver cancer. Among the therapies are surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy.
The liver cancer treatment cost at LIV is calculated individually for each particular case.
CyberKnife | $9000 - $13000 |
Abdominal CT Scan | $395 - $950 |
Consultation with a gastroenterologist | $150 |
Histopathology revision | $1083.65 |
Biopsy | $2167.31 - $2384.04 |
Consultation with a gastroenterologist | $270.91 |
Consultation of a radiologist | $270.91 |
PET/CT | $2167.31 |
Memorial Hospital in Ankara (Memorial Ankara Hastanesi) is one of the largest private hospitals in the Turkish capital.
Memorial Ankara Hospital specializes in cardiology, cardiovascular surgery, medical oncology, and orthopedics.
Heart surgeries are performed through a thin catheter, without incisions in the thorax. Radiotherapy of tumors is carried out on TrueBeam STx and Elekta Versa HD devices of the last generation.
Memorial in Ankara is awarded by JCI, an international certificate that confirms treatment quality.
Consultation with an oncologist | $180 |
PET/CT | $600 |
Biopsy | $1950.58 |
Liver cancer, also known as hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), is a severe condition that develops when abnormal cells in the liver grow uncontrollably and compromise the immune system. These tumors can disrupt normal liver function and can be life-threatening if left untreated.
The liver is a vital organ responsible for various functions, including:
Filtering toxins from the blood;
Producing proteins;
Storing nutrients.
Liver cancer has two main types based on a malignancy location:
🔺Primary liver cancer derives from liver cells;
🔻Secondary liver cancer is a metastasis of a tumor from a different location.
Primary liver cancer accounts for about 2% of all cancers in the U.S. and affects twice as many men as women, with an average age of diagnosis at 67. It has two main subtypes:
🔬 Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most common type, accounting for about 90% of all liver cancers. It originates in the primary type of liver cells called hepatocytes.
🔬 Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ICC) is a less common type that starts in the bile ducts responsible for transporting bile, a digestive fluid. The doctors call this type "bile duct cancer".
Liver cancer can affect people of all ages, but it's more common in individuals with certain risk factors.
The main risk factors of primary liver cancer include having hepatitis B or hepatitis C. These diseases are destroying liver cells, increasing their chances for mutation. Several other factors can increase a person's risk of developing liver cancer.
These include:
Cirrhosis, the scarring of liver tissue due to long-term damage, significantly increases the risk of liver cancer. When the liver attempts to repair itself repeatedly, scar tissue formation impairs its function and elevates the likelihood of emerging tumor cells.
Patients with cirrhosis, regardless of the underlying cause, are typically under surveillance for liver cancer, as they are at a higher risk of developing HCC.
Liver cancer specialists claim that heavy alcohol consumption over time can cause liver inflammation and damage, leading to cirrhosis and an increased likelihood of cancer development.
Obesity is another critical risk factor, as it is associated with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), which can progress to cirrhosis and liver cancer. Additionally, smoking has been linked to a higher risk of liver cancer, as the harmful chemicals in tobacco can contribute to liver damage over time.
Hemochromatosis, a disorder where the body absorbs too much iron, can lead to iron buildup in the liver, causing cirrhosis and increasing cancer risk. Another genetic disorder, alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, can result in liver disease, particularly in children and young adults, by causing abnormal protein accumulation in the liver cells, leading to cirrhosis.
Chronic exposure to certain toxins significantly heightens the risk of liver cancer. Aflatoxins, produced by a specific mold that grows on improperly stored grains and nuts, are a well-known carcinogen, particularly in developing countries with poor food safety practices.
Plus, industrial chemicals like vinyl chloride, used in plastics manufacturing, have been linked to liver tumors. Individuals working in industries with chemical exposure or those living in areas with poor food safety measures are at a heightened risk for developing liver tumors.
Early-stage tumor often presents with no noticeable symptoms. However, as the cancer progresses, some potential signs and symptoms include:
Unexplained weight loss;
Loss of appetite;
Nausea and vomiting;
Abdominal pain or swelling in the upper right abdomen;
Jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes);
Enlarged liver (hepatomegaly);
Dark-colored urine.
*Please note that the symptoms mentioned above could indicate other conditions. Contact a Bookimed coordinator to consult with a liver cancer oncologist. Our medical advisors are available to assist you, either online or offline, based on your preference.
The Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer (BCLC) system is a widely used method. It categorizes liver tumors based on several factors, such as:
Tumor size and number of tumors;
Preserved liver function;
Presence of vascular invasion (whether cancer has spread to blood vessels).
The BCLC staging system has five stages:
🟡 stage 0: very early;
🟡 stage A: early;
🟡 stage B: intermediate;
🟡 stage C: advanced;
🟡 stage D: end-stage.
Every patient needs a personalized treatment plan according to the cancer's stage, severity of symptoms, etc. The National Cancer Institute recommends the following treatment options:
Therapy |
Options |
Benefits |
Risks/side effects |
Complete removal of tumor (hepatectomy), a portion of the liver (resection), or performing a liver transplant in suitable cases. |
Removing the tumor in the early stages. |
Bleeding, infection, and damage to surrounding organs. |
Liver ablation |
A minimally invasive technique that destroys cancer cells using heat, radiofrequency, or freezing.
Allows for faster recovery and fewer complications compared to open surgery. It can be effective for small, localized tumors. |
Pain, bleeding, and infection. |
This is for patients without metastases unsuitable for surgery or ablation. The doctor inserts a catheter into the hepatic artery to stop the blood supply of hepatocellular carcinoma. |
Reduces blood flow to the tumor, potentially slowing its growth and minimizing symptoms. |
Indirect damage of healthy tissues due to intended blockage of blood vessels. |
Drugs such as Gemzar or Eloxatin can be used to treat liver cancer. Although most chemo medicines do not have a significant effect on liver tumors, doctors use them in combination with other treatments. |
Clears out mutated cells, controlling cancer spread. |
Nausea, vomiting, hair loss, and fatigue. |
Radiation therapy |
The external device sends high-energy X-rays toward the damaged area.
Quickly destroying the malignant area, reducing the potential of cancer spread. |
Fatigue, skin irritation, and digestive problems. |
Drugs like bevacizumab, cabozantinib, and lenvatinib attack specific tumor cells. They block critical proteins for cell growth inducing remission. |
Selectively targets cancer cells, minimizing damage to healthy tissues. |
High blood pressure, fatigue, and skin problems. |
Here's a breakdown of hepatocellular carcinoma stages alongside the suitable plans:
Stage |
Definition |
BCLC group |
Treatment Method |
Localized |
The cancer is confined to the liver. |
0, A, and B. |
Locally advanced |
The cancer has not spread to distant organs but cannot be safely removed by surgery. |
C |
Chemotherapy, proton therapy, and targeted therapies. |
Metastatic |
The cancer has spread to distant parts of the body. |
D |
Palliative treatment strategy. |
Recurrent |
The cancer has returned after initial treatment. |
- |
Combination of therapies, depending on the severity of symptoms and test results. |
Some patients opt to participate in clinical trials. They can benefit from testing a new drug for free or try out new experimental treatments.
Choosing the right medical facility for liver cancer can significantly impact the treatment experience and outcomes. Here's the list of countries with the best liver cancer treatment centers in the world.
Affordability. Offers competitive pricing compared to many Western countries.
Advanced Technology. Equipped with modern medical facilities and technology.
Experienced Oncologists. The country has a growing number of skilled specialists in liver cancer treatment.
Cultural Familiarity. It may be more comfortable for English-speaking patients.
Language Barriers. While English is widely spoken in major cities, communication challenges may exist in some regions.
Infrastructure. While improving, the healthcare infrastructure in some areas may not be as advanced as in Western countries.
Innovative Research. Known for medical advancements and cutting-edge treatments.
Personalized Care. Focuses on tailored treatment plans for individual patients.
High Standards. Adheres to strict international standards of care.
Cost. Treatment in Israel may be more expensive compared to some other countries.
Language Barriers. While English is widely spoken, language challenges may exist.
World-Class Expertise. Renowned for excellence in medical care, particularly oncology.
Advanced Technology. Equipped with the latest medical equipment and facilities.
Comprehensive Care. Offers a wide range of services, including diagnostics, treatment, and aftercare.
Cost. The treatment costs are higher, especially for private healthcare.
Language Barriers. While English is spoken in many areas, language challenges may exist.
Pleasant Climate. Mediterranean climate can contribute to a positive recovery experience.
Cultural Diversity. Offers a welcoming environment for international patients.
High-Quality Healthcare. The country adheres to international standards of care.
Language Barriers. While English is widely spoken in tourist areas, language challenges may exist in some regions.
Cost. Treatment can be more expensive than in some other countries, especially for private healthcare.
High-Quality Care. Austria is famous for its robust healthcare system.
Beautiful Scenery. Can contribute to a positive recovery experience.
Modern Infrastructure. Has well-developed healthcare facilities and experienced professionals.
Cost. Treating cancer in Austria would cost more, especially for private healthcare.
Language Barriers. While English is spoken in many areas, language challenges may exist.
Choosing the best hospital to treat liver cancer is paramount for successful treatment. Look out for medical facilities with a proven track record in liver cancer care and positive patient reviews.
If you're running out of time and want to find the best hospital for liver cancer, contact the Bookimed coordinator. We'll find the cancer center based on your history and symptoms.
When facing a diagnosis of liver cancer, selecting the best possible treatment center is paramount. The right choice can significantly impact your treatment experience and outcomes. Here are some key factors to consider:
Expertise and Experience:
The best doctors work at renowned medical centers. Remember that Bookimed can also advise the best place to treat liver cancer based on your individual history. Contact us for more information.
Key Statistics About Liver Cancer. Information and Resources about Cancer: Breast, Colon, Lung, Prostate, Skin | American Cancer Society. URL: (date of access: 04.10.2024).
Liver Cancer Risk Factors | Risk of Liver Cancer. Information and Resources about Cancer: Breast, Colon, Lung, Prostate, Skin | American Cancer Society. URL: (date of access: 04.10.2024).
Liver Cancer Treatment. Comprehensive Cancer Information - NCI. URL: (date of access: 04.10.2024).
Prevalence and characteristics of hepatitis C virus-related hepatocellular carcinoma in a Spanish university hospital. Cancer Epidemiology. URL: (date of access 04.10.2024)
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